Monday, April 29, 2013

Podcasting: Taking advantage of listening media for ELLs

What is podcasting?
Podcasting, like screencasting, can be extremely useful for your blended learning classroom. They are relatively easy to make, fun to work with, and best of all they are portable for our 21st Century on-the-go learner! The main difference is that a podcast, unlike a screen cast, is purely vocal. There is not video or images included with the instruction. However this isn't a disadvantage as it can easily be used to supplement textbook or web-based learning. Especially in the area of listening practice in the case of ELL students.

How do I make it?
When making a podcast it is best to keep them short and to the point, most people recommend keeping it under 10 minutes if at all possible. This way your students wont grow bored. A vodcast tends to be a little more in depth and longer and usually cover more complicated subjects.

In order to create a podcast you will need a program similar to Audacity. It's pretty simple to use and you can save your files as MP3 or MP4s for easy storage on computers, jump-drives, iPads/iPods, or any other technology that you can upload it to and listen. Since it is easier to show than do, I created a very short Photostory presentation of how to get started with Podcasting using one of the Tennessee ELL education standards for listening and speaking
The music in the background is by Lindsey Stirling, it is called Elements.

I know this guide wasn't the most thorough but I truly believe that technology = hands on! The best way to learn is by doing so what are you waiting for? Get out there and start playing around with technology, that's what its there for!


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